Here are some common questions we've been asked

If you can't find what you are looking for or need any additional info, please contact us.


Q: I have a RADAR Nudge account and I am really excited to get going. But, where do I start? Is this a Windows product? iOS? Android? Where do I begin?

A: Yes, Yes, Yes, and I will show you now. RADAR Nudge is built for Windows, iOS, and Android devices. You can also login to your browser with the same account. To get started navigate to this URL: http://radarnudge.me. In the upper right corner you can Login to the web interface, or middle way down is the Nudge for Windows download link. If you want one of our mobile apps, search for RADAR Nudge on App Store or Google Play.


Q: I really want to update my picture, how do I do that on Windows Desktop?

A: You can personalize your profile from the Profile & Settings screen in Nudge. From the main Nudge screen in Windows click the Settings button located in the lower left corner. Under the profile tab you will see an image at the top. Click the Change button to begin updating your picture. Make sure to pick a good one and save!


Q: I just sent a message to the wrong person, how do I delete that message?

A: Unfortunately for you deleting messages in Nudge is not allowed. Since Nudge can be used in workflows where message tracking is legally required, this is not allowed. What you can do is send an apology to that person and then Archive the message.


Q: Group chats would be fun to use, but I don’t think you have them in Nudge. When will they be available?

A: What?... Nudge certainly supports Group chats now. Just select multiple contacts when you are creating a new message.


Q: How do I change the notification sound in Windows?

A: Open the Settings window in the lower left corner of Nudge for Windows. Select the Settings tab at the top. In the middle of the screen is the Notification Sound selection. Pick one you like.


Q: Why do some of my conversations have a person icon and some have a pound sign?

A: The ones with the person icon are for direct, or one on one chat messages. The conversations with the pound sign are Group, or Named chats.


Q: What is the difference between a group, default, and named chat?

A: By default you can have a direct conversation with 1 person. These are the conversations with the person icon in the conversation list. The group and named chats are indicated with the pound sign.


Q: I have tried to access my telephone Contacts through the iOS Nudge App, but can’t find how to do it. Can you help?

A: At this time the iOS and Android Nudge Apps are not native to the mobile device. This prevents the Nudge Apps from being allowed to access these resources. Soon Nudge will have more native features for these devices. Please be patient while we build them.


Q: It would be great to share files and pictures. Is this possible with Nudge?

A: Yes, in Nudge you can share information multiple ways. In Windows you can Drag and Drop files into a Nudge conversation, you can use the built-in Image Capture utility under the Upload Media button, and you can attach pictures from the iOS devices.

FAQ 10

Q: I am having some issues with Nudge, how can I get help?

A: You can send an email to: support@radarmed.com, or Click the Help button in Windows Nudge to send us your error logs and reset the application. If you need immediate assistance you can send a Nudge message to the Nudge Tech Support contact. This contact exists under your Contacts bucket.

FAQ 11

Q: I have a suggestion for Nudge and would like to submit it. Where do I do this?

A: We LOVE suggestions and help from our user base to make Nudge a better product. You can send an email to: support@radarmed.com to submit your ideas. We can’t guarantee that your idea will be built into the product, but if the new feature will improve life for everyone, we will do our best.
